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2011-03-31 15:45:48 来源:CANBCC 浏览:32918




    中国广泛的市场需求促成中国WTI Harbin与德国SLV Duisburg早在1999年便合作开展企业认证,2010年底已对200余家企业进行了ISO3834、EN15085、EN1090等标准认证。据统计中国有焊接生产制造企业近万家,其中有大量国外企业分支机构和国际市场供应商,具有企业国际标准认证需求。随着中国焊接生产企业国际化发展,CANBCC将积极为其提供企业认证的服务,促进IIW企业认证体系在中国的推广。


Chinese Authorized National Body for Company Certification (CANBCC)

Chinese Authorised National Body for Company Certification (CANBCC) founded by Chinese Welding Training and Qualification Committee (CANB),is an unique organisation conducting IIW Manufacturer Certification Scheme in China. Prof. Lin Shangyang, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), chaired the governing board; Prof. Xie Yinglong and Mr. Zhou Junnian were elected as vice chairmen. The CANBCC secretariat was set up in WTI Sino-Germany International, Beijing, Prof. Xie Yinglong took the responsibility of scheme manager, and Professor Piao Dongguang and Mr. Yu Zhenping were appointed as deputy scheme managers.

CANBCC formally applied to IIW in May 2010, fulfilled the documents assessment on 15 June 2010, successfully passed the initial assessment on 12 & 13 November 2010, and got the full authorization at Paris meeting on January 2011. CANBCC has assessed 11 companies prior to full authorization.

To fulfill the extensive market demands in China, WTI Harbin and SLV Duisburg, Germany have started cooperation on company certification since 1999.Up to end of 2010, more than 200 companies were certified according to ISO 3834, EN15085 and EN 1090 etc.

According to statistics, there are nearly 10000 welding manufacturers in China, including a large number of foreign companies and international suppliers which may have the demands for company certification. To meet such demands of Chinese welding manufacturers which seek more internationalized development, CANBCC will actively provide company certification services and promote IIW Manufacturer Certification Scheme in China.





WTI北  京:北京市丰台区南四环西路188号总部基地7区2号楼 邮编:100070 电话:010-52238000 传真:010-52238085-8401
WTI哈 尔 滨:黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区进乡街7号 邮编:150046 电话:0451-82924020 传真:0451-82682433
电子邮箱:(北京)(哈尔滨) 京ICP备16052127号-1